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In Salem, Oregon we have been working hard for nearly a year to legalize a few backyard hens, but our city has been more reluctant than most to join the urban chicken movement. Our efforts even made the front page of the Wall Street Journal on July 15th!
We are filming a documentary about our efforts which will be released shortly and available through our website: www.salemchickens.com. The documentary will be both educational and humorous. Below is a link to a very funny trailer for the upcoming film.
Please considering posting this video clip on your website and help us spread the word! Here's the link:
B.P. Thank you for sharing the video. What a great way to spread the word! I am lucky and thankful I didn't run into any legal issues here in South Australia, but it is something I am aware is happening in other countries, though I can't imagine why. I'll keep this link in mind to spread the word. Thanks again!
Dearest chicken, lovely bird, Love is not too strong a word For the way I feel for you, And hope you feel it for me too. I love you more than I can say, And even more each passing day.
In Salem, Oregon we have been working hard for nearly a year to legalize a few backyard hens, but our city has been more reluctant than most to join the urban chicken movement. Our efforts even made the front page of the Wall Street Journal on July 15th!
We are filming a documentary about our efforts which will be released shortly and available through our website: www.salemchickens.com. The documentary will be both educational and humorous. Below is a link to a very funny trailer for the upcoming film.
Please considering posting this video clip on your website and help us spread the word! Here's the link:
Thank you,
B.P. Thank you for sharing the video. What a great way to spread the word! I am lucky and thankful I didn't run into any legal issues here in South Australia, but it is something I am aware is happening in other countries, though I can't imagine why. I'll keep this link in mind to spread the word. Thanks again!
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